Curriculum Model of Colombia

 Presented by Johana Toapanta

In Colombia education is defined as a process of personal, cultural and social permanent learning, based on a comprehensive understanding of the human person, its dignity, and its rights and duties.

“Our Political Constitution includes the fundamental notes of the nature of educational services. It states, for example, that it is an individual right, a public service that has a social function and that the State is responsible for the regulation and enforcement of the final inspection and supervision of educational services in order to ensure their quality and compliance with its purposes, and for the best moral, intellectual and physical training of students” (Mineducación, 2015)

It also states that adequate coverage of the service should be ensured, as well as the necessary conditions for minors to enter and remain in the education system

The Vice-ministry of Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education supports the formulation and adoption of policies, plans and projects related to preschool, primary and secondary education, middle technical education at official and private levels, and minority population in the country.

The Ministry of National Education (Ministerio de Educacion Nacional) administers the education system in Colombia. Education in Colombia is compulsory until the basic secondary/lower secondary education level.

The stages of education in Colombia are:

·         Preschool education

·         Basic education which encompasses primary/ elementary education and basic secondary education.

·         Secondary education

·         Higher education

Preschool Education

Preschool education in Colombia is optional and is offered by nurseries and kindergartens.

Nursery and day care: These cater to children aged 1 to 5 years.

Kindergartens and preschools: These cater to children aged 5 to 6 years

Basic Education

Basic education in Colombia is compulsory and free of charge. The basic education in Colombia has duration of 9 years. Basic education is divided into two levels:

Primary/elementary education

Basic secondary/lower secondary education

Primary Education

Primary education in Colombia is compulsory and is for children aged 6 to 11. This educational level covers grades 1 to 5.

Curriculum: Mathematics, social studies, physical education, arts education, Spanish language, natural science, and moral and religious education.

Certificate awarded: Students who finish this level of education are awarded the Certificate of Fifth Grade of Primary Education

Basic Secondary Education/Lower Secondary Education

The lower secondary basic education is compulsory to attend and is for children aged 11 to 15. This educational level covers grades 6 to 9.

Curriculum: In the first 2 years of lower secondary basic education, same curriculum is followed by all the students as used in primary education.  During the last 2 years, i.e., grades 8 and 9, a foreign language and vocational studies are included in the basic curriculum.

Core Curriculum (Grades 6 to 9): Mathematics, social studies, physical education, arts education, Spanish language and literature, natural science, vocational instructions (Grade 8 and 9), and moral and religious education.

Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education

Secondary education in Colombia is not compulsory, and is divided into 2 streams:

Academic Secondary Education

Vocational / technical secondary education

The length of upper secondary education in Colombia is 2 years and covers grades 10 and 11.

·         Academic Secondary Education

Academic secondary education deepens the knowledge in a particular field of humanities, science or the arts.

Curriculum: Biology, Foreign language, mathematics, religious education, art education, physics, earth science, philosophy, biology, general chemistry,  physical education, Spanish language and literature, organic chemistry, and social science.

·         Vocational and Technical Secondary Education

Vocational and technical secondary education prepares pupils for employment in one of the sectors-service and production. Vocational field includes social studies, academic, industrial, agricultural, and commercial education.

Certificate awarded: Upon successful completion of the upper secondary education, students are awarded the title of Bachillerato in their specialized area.

Examination: Students who receive a Bachillerato Acamedic must undertake a “State Exam” that is managed by the Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation in order to gain entry into the higher education sector in Colombia.

Higher Education

Higher education in Colombia is offered by both public and private higher education institutions. Higher education institutions in Colombia are university, university institutes, technological institutes, technical training institutes and professional schools.  Universities in Colombia offer undergraduate and graduate degree programmes.


Mineducación. (2015, December 19). Ministerio de Educación. Retrieved from,degree)%2C%20and%20higher%20education. 

